exist for you of specific application choose suitable of nickel net screen hour , need consider several important factor , by make sure optimal performance and efficiency . regardless you yes Will That used for granularity analyze , filter still Material separation , correct of sieve All Can right result of accuracy and reliability produce Significantly Influence .
choose nickel net screen hour first want consider of factor one yes mesh size . This is refer to Every Linear inch of open Number of holes quantity , and Decide Got it Can pass sieve of particles size . choose Suitable you are use of particles size scope of grid size Very important . grid size too small possible meeting lead to clogged , and grid size too big possible meeting lead to result Not allowed correct .
Apart from mesh size outside , nickel net of Silk path also yes one important of consider factor . Silk diameter Influence sieve of strength and Durability , as well as That bear wear and tear of ability . compare thick of Wire path Even Suitable Heavy duty application , and compare thin of Wire path Even Suitable compare thin of Material .
exist consider sieve hour , must Must focus Evaluate That frame strength and Durability as well as surface smoothness , by truly of ensure Won’t right Screening Material cause any very have possible pollute . at the same time , exist at the same time , sieve structure need Exquisite design , aimed at maximum degree land avoid particles stay or block Phenomenon , Just in case This type Affection What’s more interference Detection Accuracy .
consider sieve structure middle use of Nickel alloy type also Very heavy want . different of Nickel alloy have different level of Corrosion resistance , stretch strength and Temperature resistance , therefore choose were able bear you of application of specific conditions of correct alloy crucial .
also , nickel net screen of Smooth surface Spend meeting Influence That performance . smooth Uniform of Smooth surface Spend helpful prevent any potential of particles gather , and make sure Screening process more precise and consistent .
at last , consider nickel net screen of manufacturer or supplier . choose one Reputation good and reliable supplier Very important , them Can supply satisfy you specific Require and standard of high quality sieve .
In short , choose suitable of nickel net screen need consider several important factor , For example mesh size , Silk diameter , frame and structure , Nickel alloy type , Smooth surface Spend as well as supplier of reputation . pass consider These factor , you Can make sure choose Suitable you of specific application and mention for optimal performance and reliability of sieve .