exist Many kinds industry application Scenes , like Chemicals , petrochemical product and drug Production middle , Incomparable happiness ! catalyst Plays core Role , smoothly pass No quilt reaction consume and accelerate chemical reaction rate Come Goals . catalyst efficacy The essential Influence factor one yes That surface area , Can imagine this one parameter Decide Certainly Got it That superior Available exist Promote reaction active site quantity , thereby right output result produce extremely important Influence . of great importance , Influence too Pass far-reaching ! want further understand and master catalyst efficacy Instead of surface area between complex association , impressive revel . need go deep explore catalytic science Fundamental , and combine experiment data conduct analyze , impressive revel night view ! With a view to reveal different condition Down surface area how Influence catalytic efficiency secret .
nickel felt because That high surface area and Excellent of Thermal stability and become catalyst Zhongchang use of Material . pass use suitable of nickel felt surface area , Can Greatly improve catalyst of efficiency , thereby improve reaction Produce Rate and reduce production cost .
pass suitable of nickel felt surface area improve catalyst efficiency of A sort of method yes optimization Aperture and distributed . have high surface area of nickel felt usually have A lot small hole , for reaction of occur supply high density of active site . this Can Even efficient land use catalyst and Enhance That performance .
exist Evaluate nickel felt as catalyst Material application hour , use of time , one The key factor yes That specific surface product , Right now per gram nickel felt Place have The total area〔 by square meters/ gram for unit〕 . this one index direct Influence With Reactant and catalyst surface touch very have possibility , and then Influence catalytic efficiency and active . have compare high specific surface product nickel felt were able supply Even Quite a few active site , thereby Enhance chemical reaction rate and Effect… exist design and choose use exist specific catalytic application nickel felt hour , high specific surface product yes one important consider standard .
exist Evaluate nickel felt as catalyst effectiveness hour , That structure and form Plays The essential Role , transcend Got it simple consider Aperture and specific surface product . use three dimensional structure high surface area nickel felt were able great change land present active site , and accomplish Reactant Even Evenly distributed , pity too arrogant ! and then Significantly promote catalytic efficiency . Pursue extreme !
Sure specific catalytic application middle nickel felt optimal surface area yes one item complex and need meticulous consider Task , it receive reaction characteristic , participate Reactant and operate condition wait Quite a few aspect factor Influence , right thing of effect , because this exist Actual operation middle need pass Well-designed experiment Come accurate Evaluate and optimization and promote this one parameter , abnormal witty !
In short , pass suitable of nickel felt surface area improve catalyst efficiency for optimization industry process of performance crucial . pass choose have appropriate Aperture , specific surface product and Appearance of nickel felt , Can improve Catalytic activity and efficiency , thereby improve reaction Produce Rate and cut costs . this emphasize Got it exist Various industry application middle for catalyst choose suitable of nickel felt surface area of importance .