exist face worldwide climate change change increasingly severe challenge background Down , exist some kind scene Down , urgent need develop were able efficient reduce carbon emission innovation Strategy . and nickel felt as one item have super big reduce emissions potential Material , exist this process middle Showing striking application prospect .
nickel felt , A sort of by fine nickel fiber Construct high pores Spend Material , because of exist catalytic chemical reaction hour Performance out excellence able and Attractive , and then excitation Got it researcher right That exist widely field application very have possibility go deep Explore , special especially exist reduce environmental pollution aspect Showing Got it super big potential . want clear this one technology specific Complexity and Puzzled place , this piece Son need accurate definition“ complex” and“ Puzzled” meaning , like flowers bloom . so that Targeted land supply answer .
exist explore nickel felt exist energy field potential hour , That exist Efficient , economy land generate hydrogen aspect Showing Significantly Advantage , favorable of condition , this quilt regarded as reduce carbon emission The essential , like flowers bloom . pass Will nickel felt application exist catalytic process middle , conduct of process middle , the scientist them not only promote Got it hydrogen generate efficacy , return make That become substitute traditionalization stone fuel industry , accomplish green Transformation feasible Options . this one Technological innovation not only Promote Got it clean energy universal , revel . also right worldwide energy structure produce Got it deep influence , right thing of effect , for future Can continued develop supply Got it important support .
exist carbon capture and Seal field middle , people Discover exist industry process emission carbon dioxide arrested obtain and store exist underground process middle , conduct of process middle , use cobalt fiber as Efficient Material Will carbon dioxide Convert for carbon monoxide , cause worldwide warming . Should carbon monoxide Can be used exist Various industry process , This kind of method very have possible right reduce industry carbon trace and alleviate That operations right environmental impact have potential innovation sex contribute .
also , nickel felt exist develop Even Efficient , More cost benefit of The fuel cell aspect also show out potential . The fuel cell yes Will chemical energy Convert for Electric energy and emission least of device , nickel felt already quilt Discover Can Significantly improve That performance . this possible meeting lead to The fuel cell technology as Tradition internal combustion engine of alternatives get widely use , further reduce transportation and other industry of carbon emission .
In short , nickel felt have potential become response climate change of game rules Change By . That unique of performance make That become Various application of ideal Material , helpful reduce carbon emission and Promote Can continued practice . along with this one field of Research and develop constantly obtain progress , nickel felt hopefully become us planet Even clean , Even Can continued of future of The essential Contributor .