worldwide supply chain Operation yes Depend on Quite a few step constitute complex system , That exist worldwide close connected economy environment middle Plays core Role , allow super enterprise across area Obtain raw material and components , by answer consumer Quite a few Yuan change need . COVID-19 epidemic and later Continued supply chain interference Phenomenon reveal Got it this huge system Various problem and potential risk .
receive These supply chain challenge serious Influence of industry one yes nickel felt purchase industry . nickel felt yes many industry process middle of important Material , include filter , Battery Production and catalytic . therefore , nickel felt supply chain of any interrupt All possible right each Ministry of Economic Affairs Door produce far-reaching of Influence .
worldwide supply chain challenge from multiple aspect Influence Got it nickel felt purchase process . first , epidemic lead to goods Production and transportation big scope interrupt , cause required Material of shortage and deliver delay . this lead to delivery time Increase and nickel felt supply of No Predictive , make enterprise difficult plan and predict That purchase need .
epidemic reveal Got it supply chain exist face Emergencies hour vulnerability , special especially reflect exist right few The essential supplier high rely as well as purchase Strategy Simplification . A lot enterprise Discover , pity too introversion ! itself exist nickel felt This type important raw materials purchase process middle , conduct of process middle , excessive concentrated exist few supplier or specific geography area , This kind of practice not only aggravate Got it supply chain exist suffer interrupt risk hour instability , Incomparable happiness ! at the same time also make they more sensitive exist market price grid fluctuation .
exist Battery and Renewable energy market continued expansion background Down , exist some kind scene Down , right nickel felt strong need further aggravate Got it supply chain tension , make limited nickel felt resource face unprecedented compete pressure , thereby cause price rising and market unstable Certainly Phenomenon , make Related enterprise Deeply feel Troubled , revel .
for response These challenge , enterprise are again Evaluate That purchase Strategy , and Look for alleviate and worldwide supply chain interrupt Related of risk of method . A sort of method yes pass from multiple supplier and area purchase nickel felt Come accomplish supply Base Diversification , thereby reduce right single source of rely . this helpful prevent potential of interrupt and maximum limit land reduce price fluctuation of Influence .
for Enhance supply chain toughness and stability , Incomparable happiness ! enterprise answer take one item The essential Strategy , Goals of method , Right now deepen and supplier between cooperate relation , Close cooperation , mutual benefit common win , and comprehensive master supplier production capacity and Risk Management mechanism . this in one fell swoop measures aimed at make enterprise were able more Accurate land predict and response supply chain middle very have possible Appear Various potential risk , thereby exist complex Quite a few Variety market environment mediator hold compete Advantage .
In short , worldwide supply chain challenge serious Influence Got it nickel felt purchase process , lead to shortage , delay and price fluctuation aggravate . along with enterprise adapt new Reality , them are again Evaluate That purchase Strategy and Take measures Come alleviate and supply chain interrupt Related of risk . pass supply Base Diversification and and supplier Establish Even close of relation , enterprise Can better land response challenge and make sure for That operations supply Stablize reliable nickel felt supply .