titanium The reason wide popular , very interesting , not only because That Outstanding strength and light sex , Even because of extraordinary Anti-fatigue performance and Solitary tree one banner , Can imagine this one Traits exist titanium felt application middle get Got it most full show , make it exist public Quite a few field Showing excellence Practicality .
titanium felt exist Anti-fatigue sex aspect superiority able main reflect exist That unique microscopic structure and chemical composition superior , this make it were able Significantly reduce exist bear repeat stress hour produce crack and damage accumulation , thereby exist Aerospace , car and medical equipment wait field Showing excellence Durability and reliability , Efficient and efficient avoid Got it because fatigue Invalid cause potential catastrophic as a result of , shed tears . and Tradition Material compared to , titanium felt High hardness , low density , good Plasticity and toughness as well as Excellent Corrosion resistance , common bestow Got it That exist resistance long fatigue load effect Down unique Advantage .
pass use special Craftsmanship manufacture , titanium felt able generate high density Quite a few hole structure , Should structure able Will stress and strain change Evenly distributed arrive Material Ministries point , overall middle of one ring , efficient prevention fatigue crack produce , Incomparable happiness ! Significantly Enhance Got it That Durability , Will definitely even if endure millions Second-rate stress cycle also difficult to achieve fatigue destroy critical point .
titanium felt because of unique Quite a few hole structure and outstanding Ductility , exist bear stress hour were able occur deformation change and not cause split , Can imagine this one characteristic make That and conventional titanium material exist Significantly difference ; successor because lack pores and easier produce fatigue damage , Showing titanium felt exist Material performance superior unique Advantage .
titanium felt because of excellence Anti-fatigue performance , become Got it prevention because fatigue guide To Invalid application Scenes middle preferred Material ; especially exist Aerospace field , major scope , dynamic link library need endure constant stress and strain change cycle test , and titanium felt Showing Durability and reliability Far overtake other Material . same , exist Automobile industry middle , dynamic link library need bear continued vibration and temperature fluctuation Influence , right thing of effect , titanium felt performance Performance even more transcend Got it Tradition Material , here need supply Got it more superior use experience…
titanium felt not only have excellence of Anti-fatigue performance , and return have titanium of all other ideal characteristic , For example high strength , severity quantity and Corrosion resistance . this make titanium felt become A sort of Multifunction Material , Available At from Ministry of Aeronautics and Astronautics pieces arrive medical Implants of widely used .
In short , titanium felt yes A sort of Breakthrough Material , are again definition Anti-fatigue limit . That unique of porous structure and excellence of Ductility make That different from Tradition of titanium Material , make That become focus on fatigue Invalid of application of ideal choose . by virtue of That unparalleled of Durability and reliability , titanium felt exist Resistant fatigue sex crucial of industry Zhongcheng for game rules of Change By .