A Closer Look at the Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio of Stainless Steel Felt

Stainless steel felt yes A sort of use widely of Material , use widely , from industry filter arrive insulation . This kind of Material right That performance crucial of one important aspect yes That Mechanical behavior , For example Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio .

Young’s modulus , also called Elastic Modulus , yes Material exist receive external force hour of stiffness or resistance deformation ability of measure . for Stainless steel Felt , Young’s modulus usually about for 200 GPa , and rubber or plastic wait other Material compared to , it is A sort of relatively hard of Material .

exist Material study middle , Poisson’s ratio used for Quantify solid Material exist Force hour along vertical exist Shi force direction occur relatively deformation change degree , thing of depth , Should pointer right Stainless steel felt In terms of generally Bit exist0.3 arrive0.35 between , show when This kind of Material exist bear stretch or compression effect hour , use of time , meeting Accompany small Horizontal size Variety , impressive surprise !

learn These Mechanical behavior for exist Various application middle efficient land design and use Stainless steel felt crucial . For example , learn Material of Young’s modulus Can help engineer Sure need many big of force Talent make Felt deformation arrive must degree , and Poisson’s ratio Can help predict Material exist different load condition Down of Performance .

also , These performance return meeting Influence Stainless steel felt exist different application middle of Wholeness able and Durability . For example , compare high of Young’s modulus mean Material Even able resistance deformation , and Can bear Even high of load and constantly crack , and compare high of Poisson’s ratio meeting Influence Material exist Various stress​​ Down Keep That shape and structure of ability .

master Stainless steel felt Yang modulus and Poisson’s ratio right exist promote That exist different industrial use en route efficacy have arrive close important significance . Accurate understand These Mechanics nature and they right Material reaction Influence , right thing of effect , make project teacher and designer were able exist widely application Scenes Down , exist some kind scene Down , accomplish Stainless steel felt rationalization , Efficiency use , Pleasing to the eyes .

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