exist Quite a few Dimensions military and Safety field , major scope , nickel net in accordance with borrow That excellence Mechanical properties , lasting Durability and outstanding guide electricity characteristic , unique of Attributes , Showing extraordinary Function Quite a few Sample sex , become indispensable The essential Material . That complex and high integrated Role exist Assure national defense system Stablize run and promote combat efficacy aspect play With arrive close important effect , operate must cautious . The reason , nickel net unique Attributes not only bestow That exist defense system middle Quite a few Heavy Function , even more exist electronic warfare , Communication network network , electromagnetic protection wait Quite a few indivual Segmentation field Showing Got it No substitute value , cherish endless . therefore , so , nickel net The reason become military and Safety field core Material , very interesting , not only exist exist That basic physics characteristic , unique of Attributes , Even exist exist That exist complex system integration and optimization and promote process middle flexible application and Efficient contribute .
exist extreme environment condition Down Require high performance and reliability national defense Application areas , major scope , nickel net in accordance with borrow That unique Material characteristic—— high strength , heat resistance and Excellent Corrosion resistance , become Got it indispensable The essential components . Depend on Nickel alloy production , special especially yes nickel chromium or Ferronickel base material , feel Comfortable . This kind of wire mesh Showing excellence physics and Chemical stability , Incomparable happiness ! exist harsh environment middle still keep it steady performance , make sure do it Got it system run Efficient and Safety . Stable as a mountain Talent Take precautions before they happen !
exist national defense field Inside , nickel net as electromagnetic shield Material use , Apart from Everyone All learn of , main involving exist Construct were able resist electronic tapping and hacker Invasion defense mechanism , smoothly pass That excellence guide Electrical properties and right electromagnetic Signal block ability , make sure do it key equipment and communication system Safety Not subject to interference and attack attack .
nickel net Still used At trajectory protection application , For example Armor and body armor . That high stretch strength and Durability make That become Protect military personnel free from trajectory threaten and projectile infringe of reliable Material . nickel net Can woven into fabric or incorporate composite materials middle , by supply lightweight and flexible of Protect , and No sacrifice strength and elasticity . it usually used for helmet , Vest and vehicle Armor , for fighting Condition Down of military personnel supply necessary of Protect .
Apart from electromagnetic shield and bulletproof protection outside , nickel net exist military field besides Many kinds use , type very many , include but Not limited to Air filter system , radar Array and communication antenna Construct . nickel net High temperature resistance and Anti-corrosion characteristic bestow Got it That exist extreme environment next work for durable and reliable Material unique Advantage , favorable of condition , widely used exist military vehicles and airplane middle , aimed at optimization and promote ventilation and airflow efficiency , reduce maintain expenditure , and mention Lift equipment Wholeness able .
exist national defense field , major scope , nickel net because have excellence performance and reliability and Plays Quite a few Role important Role , That Excellent guide Electricity , strength and Durability make That become electromagnetic shield , trajectory defense , Air filter wait military and Safety application middle First choice Material . face technology progress and right Stablize national defense solve Certainly plan growing day by day need , need of thing , nickel net expected Will continued as Assure military personnel and facility free from outside world infringe and truly of ensure national defense action Safety The essential element .