nickel net exist Precision manufacture process Zhongfa wave focus on want effect , nickel net of Head number yes direct Influence finally product quality and Accuracy of The key factor . learn nickel Mesh number exist Precision manufacture middle of effect for exist electronic , Aerospace , pharmaceutical and car wait each industry get High precision result crucial .
nickel Netcom Commonly used At right Accuracy and accuracy crucial of application , For example wire mesh print , filter and Electronic component manufacture . nickel Screen of Head number yes refer to Every Linear inch of open Number of holes . grid number cross high , express grid cross thin , Open your mouth cross Small , and grid number cross Low , express grid cross thick , Open your mouth cross big .
exist Precision manufacture middle , nickel net of Head number direct Influence print or manufacture product of resolution and detail . Even high of grid number Can produce Even fine of detail and Even sharp of edge , make That Suitable need High precision and resolution of application , For example exist electronic circuit or drug Package superior Print thin line , text and complex pattern .
exist wire mesh print and manufacture process middle , conduct of process middle , different Head number choose were able Influence ink or Material deposition thickness and Accuracy , Fine Mesh number suitable exist process thin layer , by accomplish High precision and accuracy , and relatively Rough Mesh number So Even Suitable need thick layer ink or Material deposition occasion , sunny !
exist Precision manufacture filter and separation process middle , conduct of process middle , nickel Screen pores density〔 Right now Head number〕 choose arrive close important , reason why ? because it direct Influence With were able quilt Remove particle and Impurities size , very Exquisite ! and then Decide Certainly Got it finally Finished product quality and purity ; Select Even Fine Screen Head number , theory superior Can more efficient land filter out liquid and gas middle small particles and Impurities , by Assure output thing high quality and high purity .
exist for specific manufacture application Pick appropriate Mesh number hour , need comprehensive Evaluate Many kinds factor , Influence of Element , include located reason Material characteristic , Target resolution and detail Require , besides ink or coating consistency and sticky , by truly of ensure finally product achieve expected Quality Standard and Effect .
In short , nickel Mesh number exist Precision manufacture middle of effect for exist Various manufacture process Zhongshi now High precision , Accuracy and quality crucial . choose appropriate of Head number for make sure wire mesh print , Electronic component manufacture , drug Package and filter system wait application Zhongsuo need of resolution , Material deposition and filter crucial . learn nickel Mesh number of Influence for manufacturer exist All walks of life Production high quality and accurate of product crucial .